Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Two days ago I finished my first marathon at 3:58 - that's a 9 minute mile. That's a full Hour and 1 minute above average for women.
I can't help remembering how In the beginning of my journey all I could think about was how much I hated the exercise, how deprived I felt without the foods and portions I was used to. I couldn't help focusing on the long, long and seemingly tedious, no doubt strenuous and probably tortuous distance between then and now, not to mention the terrifying potentiality of a journey back.
Now, the potentiality of a journey back out of the question, and the time behind me feeling as if it passed in the blink of an eye, I have to strain my mind to remember how it felt to think my weight would take eons to get off. And hop back on in a trice. I would expend titanic efforts, I thought. And never eat anything good again.

Today as a wear my marathon medal around the grocery store I look back at my efforts even of day before yesterday and think, no, it wasn't anything even unpleasant, let alone tortuous. In fact, I had a blast.
And now, looking back across the vast, far reaching expanse of time since my first weigh in, that same vast expanse of time which seems to have gone by in a trice almost without notice, I think, all the fear, all the dread, shame, guilt, anxiety I put into not taking care of myself was infinitely more strenuous, infinitely more tortuous, infinitely more terrifying than all the treadmills, dumb bells, hill repeats and 24 mile runs uphill both ways in the snow ever provided.
In fact, being healthy, taking care of myself, running, dancing, hiking, swimming, eating fabulous home cooked meals and treating myself with love and respect, all those things are not only a breeze, they're a pleasure.
A far greater pleasure than any of the tasteless, dull, pre-prepared foods and boring, unoriginal sitcoms I'm missing out on these days.
Thank God for marathons.
Whole Health Renovation Specialist

"You will be quite amazed to see what you can do when you dont know you can't. You will be downright speechless at what you can do when you know you can." -Me

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